This however involves measuring each and every point that you use to create lines for your title box and then programming them in using Macros (which is surprisingly easy once you get the hang of it but nevertheless ridiculously time consuming) to get your final title block. The best, as in, most professional way to solve this problem is using Macros. Ok, so after a whole day looking, I think I found the solution.Kinda. The closest I've come to finding the solution is from some guys who sell the program that basically does exactly that but where's the fun in that? I currently have a giant stack of parts that I need to make the drawings for using my new title block, so if you're reading this and can help in any way, I'll be the most greatful grab cad member of all time. Ok, I've made a custom title block in Catia but I can't figure out how to create all of the links to the part (part name, page size, weight, drawn by etc.) so that when I update the drawing, these update with it. Just copy and paste the code into a new module in VBA editor.

After filling the title block entries will be similar to: Picture 1. CATIA Title Block Editor 313.4 Features.5 First start Start a new drawing and run the macro from Tools/Macro. Ok, I've made a custom title block in Catia but I can't figure out how to create all of the links to the part (part name, page size, weight, drawn by etc.) so that.