My module-info.java looks like: module org.

What can you advice to try?Īfter removing the dependency on maven-dependency-plugin the error has disappeared, but now I get other errors, when trying to run Main class: Also I think such an error is not a normal situation. I want to run the Main class instead of running javafx:run plugin, because it's a bit longer and harmful for me when I'm testing some features. Click Advanced on the Shortcut tab and select Run as Administrator. Right click on the Quake 4.bat file and create a shortcut to the desktop then rclick on the shortcut and select properties. : Unable to derive module descriptor for C:\Users\hlebs\.m2\repository\org\codehaus\plexus\plexus-container-default\1.7.1\plexus-container-default-1.7.1.jarĬaused by: : : Invalid module name: 'default' is not a Java identifier cd f:\Quake 4\ Quake4.exe sc stop secdrv sc config secdrv start disabled exit Save the file as Quake 4.bat in the Quake 4 folder where the. However, when I'm trying to simply run Main class in IDE, I'm getting an error: Error occurred during initialization of boot layer Resolved as modules and will not be included in the classpath you canĬhange this behavior via the 'includePathExceptionsInClasspath' Some dependencies encountered issues while attempting to be Module name: 'default' is not a Java identifier Plexus-container-default-1.7.1.jar: : Invalid When I'm trying to call maven javafx:run plugin (like every maven plugin), I'm getting such warnings: I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3 and maven for my application.