Setting this up, both the above mentioned way, and an alternative way mentioned below, and running it from Self Service I get an error. I've run into a strange issue with jamCommand. I just tested it today with Pulse Secure, as that's the newly-released Sierra-compatible Pulse Secure VPN client: # Remove the /tmp/PulseSecure.XXXX mountpoint "$3/Applications/Pulse Secure.app/Contents/Plugins/JamUI/jamCommand" -importFile "$VPN_CONFIG_FILE" usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 ( -iname *.pkg -o -iname *.mpkg ))" -target "$3" Hdiutil attach "$TOOLS" -mountpoint "$TMPMOUNT" -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen # Mount the latest Pulse Secure disk image to the /tmp/PulseSecure.XXXX mountpoint TMPMOUNT=`/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/PulseSecure.XXXX` # Specify a /tmp/PulseSecure.XXXX mountpoint for the disk image VPN_CONFIG_FILE=$install_dir/"Filename_here.jnprpreconfig" Here's what I'm currently using for my Pulse Secure postinstall script: #!/bin/bash "$3/Applications/PulseSecure.app/Contents/Plugins/JamUI/./jamCommand" -importFile "$VPN_CONFIG_FILE"

TMPMOUNT=`/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/pulsesecure.XXXX` # Specify a /tmp/pulsesecure.XXXX mountpoint for the disk image VPN_CONFIG_FILE=$install_dir/"My Company.pulsepreconfig” # Specify location of the Pulse Secure configuration file # Specify location of the Pulse Secure disk image This is just a snippet, but you get the idea that is is just a rename of the client and location names. pulsepreconfig file has a space in it, so not sure if that also has something to do with it. If i am deploying it using Casper, do I need to check off "Require Admin password for installation"? I asume so as it is touching the Application folder. So without a doubt it is not working as intended. postinstall: hdiutil: detached failed - no such file or directory postinstall: installer: Error the package path specified was invalid: ''. I see things like this is the install.log

I am leveraging Casper so I was not sure if there was something that needs to be done differently to the created package in order for it to work, but just running the. The new version of Pulse Secure 5.2R4 is obviously named different than the Junos name, so in the script i renamed what I believe is correct. I know i am doing something wrong, as I am kinda flying blind with this. I have followed guide, and it does not work for me.īeing a new person to Mac, I am taking the unlikely road of "hey just take what he did and rename a few things and hope it sticks" I have just been tasked with trying to get this to work.